Are you married? Engaged? Dating? Or someone looking to improve your relationships? I know there are a lot of great reads out there on how to do so, but here is one both my husband and I have recently read.
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
By: Emerson Eggerichs

Here is the short blurb from Amazon’s website regarding this book: Reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs–without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love, and a painful, negative cycle begins.
My husband and I actually got this book a long time ago, I think as a wedding gift. When we started reading it, we stopped after the first section because, quite frankly, we both felt that too much pressure was put on the woman in the relationship. It seemed like Emerson was saying that the woman needs to be more respectful, and because she isn’t, the man was unloving and it was okay to be so. We also saw at least one example that he clearly put the woman in the wrong, and we just felt it clearly wasn’t so. Needless to say, we donated the book without finishing.
Moving forward to 2018. Our church was offering a class called Love & Respect. We like finding ways to improve our marriage so we thought we’d take it. It never dawned on us that this might be related to the book that we once tried. The first day of class was slightly shocking because we got our book, and it was this one. We were not thrilled to even read it, but of course we would seeing as it was part of the class.
This time we finished it! Again, years later, we still didn’t like that first section of the book. However, it got so much better. I think that Emerson gave great examples later on, on how to energize your relationships and even gain rewarding relationships. And even though the book ended up being far better than we realized, the video series we did in the class was so much better! We found Emerson to be quite funny!
I decided to rate this book four stars. It’s one shy of perfect because of the first part we don’t care for so much. But if you get passed that, it’s actually really good.
Love & Respect is geared toward married couples. However, do not hesitate to try it if you’re engaged or dating. It never hurts to start the relationship or soon-to-be married journey off on the right foot! There’s a lot of great things in here. And for those that are single and not looking to be a part of any relationship, it can still work. This can be beneficial for the relationship between co-workers, parents and children, any man-woman relationship really.
Bottom line, it helps you recognize why the opposite gender may act one way. It gives you tools to reverse it. And it gives hope that regardless of how the other responds, you can be rewarded for doing the right thing. See, good for anyone!
Like I said, the video series is way better so I’d recommend that over the book, but this is easier to get a hold of probably so this works, too. To get your copy, please go to: