zambia-26947_1280 At 12:45 pm today, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, my family and I said good bye to my mom as she took off on her first mission trip to Zambia. She is joined by six other amazing people. For those who have donated or partook in the various fundraisers, they couldn’t be more grateful! Now we ask that you PRAY!

As one might expect, there are a lot of Continue reading “Zambia”

My mom is going on a mission trip to Zambia next February (17-28) with our church, Engedi Church. This is what she’ll be doing:

-She and the team will be leading a 3-4 day Vacation Bible School with 48 children who live at the House of Faith, an orphanage operated by one of Engedi’s partners: NOAH Ministries.
-They will also be attending a local school to work on a creative activity with the children that go there

The goal of this trip is Continue reading “A Mission Trip”