This past Saturday my husband and I decided to take our two young boys to a movie rental place because I had gotten a coupon for a free rental. We intended on just getting the one rental, because let’s face it, it’s not like our boys really watch movies anyway. However, we ended up Continue reading “Movie Rentals”
Tag: prayer
At 12:45 pm today, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, my family and I said good bye to my mom as she took off on her first mission trip to Zambia. She is joined by six other amazing people. For those who have donated or partook in the various fundraisers, they couldn’t be more grateful! Now we ask that you PRAY!
As one might expect, there are a lot of Continue reading “Zambia”
The church that my family and I attend just finished doing a church-wide, 21-day prayer and fasting event. The pastor kicked it off with a sermon regarding what prayer and fasting is all about, and then each Sunday throughout the 21-day journey there was a sermon relating to prayer and fasting in one way or another. I’m not sure how many of us all actually participated, but it was definitely a moving experience for many.
Prayer and fasting tend to go hand in hand don’t they? When one Continue reading “Prayer & Fasting”